
You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. — Rabindranath Tagore

To Experience

  • Visit all the capitals of Canada (work in progress)
  • Design & Build a piece of furniture
  • Go winter camping
  • Be on the Amazing Race
  • Fly a helicopter
  • Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
  • Sleep under the stars (no tent)
  • Join an improv group
  • See an iceburg
  • Visit Louisiana
  • Drive across Canada
  • Do at least one unassisted chin-up
  • Be an extra in a movie
  • Learn how to drive standard
  • Drive the Icefied Parkway in a convertible
  • Learn sign-language
  • Rapelling
  • Get a degree
  • SCUBA dive
  • Reach 20 / 25 blood donations
  • write every day for a year (min 50 words/day)
  • get a postcard from as many countries as possible (work in progress)
  • Complete the 100 pushups challenge
  • Ride a horse in the Calgary Stampede Parade
