Give Blood

The whole process of one person donating takes about an hour and a half from start to finish; It’s not a big commitment: It’s something like 2 hours every 3 months which works out to only about a half day per year. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather spend a half day of my year saving lives than doing something annoying like cleaning my kitchen!
Approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, according to a recent poll, 52 per cent of Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products for surgery or for medical treatment.
That’s a big blood requirement! I can’t remember if there was a specific motivating factor that convinced me to finally start donating but because I couldn’t think of a good reason not to donate I had added “give blood” to my life list.
Reasons to donate:
- Save Lives! (that makes you a REAL superhero!)
- Free Cookies! (all the oreo cookies you can eat! before AND after!)
- Free Soup! (if you like that sort of thing)
- Free Cupcakes! (occasionally)
- Nice People! (the nurses are super nice and friendly and so are the other donors!)
I’m hoping to get to at least 100 donations in my lifetime. My first donation was on June 29th, 2007.

My blood donation milestones
01 donation – Jun-29-2007
05 donations – Jul-16-2009
10 donations – Dec-30-2011
15 donations – Oct-06-2012
20 donations – Coming Soon
30 donations –
40 donations –
50 donations –