Bruce Springsteen – the story
I seem to have a thing for music from Jersey boys (Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen) but I would never describe myself as a Springsteen fan.
When I was 10, when I didn’t know much about much, when I listened to whatever mom, dad, or my godfather listened to, if you would have asked me back then, I would have told you I was a big Springsteen fan. This is the year that my parents won a trip to Montreal to see the Human Rights Now!, an Amnesty International concert – featuring, among others, non other than The Boss himself.

I seem to remember my parents dropping me and my sister off with our aunt; as they were trying to leave, I was crying. I wasn’t crying because they were leaving. I was crying because they were going to see Bruce Springsteen – and they weren’t taking me. “I WANT TO SEE BRUU-UU-UUU-UUUCE”. The fact that it was a prize trip for two, on a 12 hour liquor licensed bus ride from Moncton to Montreal did little to ease my pain.
I never really forgave them for not taking me.
One of these is of Bruce Springsteen. (you can click to make the photo bigger, but I’m not sure it will help in identifying which one is The Boss)

When I was about 15, that age when you start making real honest to goodness no break-’em deals with your parents, I seized an opportunity (was this the true start of my Life List?) and made a deal with my dad: If ever I had a chance to see Bruce Springsteen in concert – he would pay for my ticket. I’ve reminded him of this deal many times in the past 19 years.
Yesterday – Friday the 13th of April 2012 – a press release was issued: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band would be playing a show in Moncton on August 26, 2012.
My Hometown.
I’m finally going to see Bruce Springsteen. I am on the path to forgiveness.